Welcome: The Beginning

so.......i am at heart a maker of songs. along the way comes alot of things that inspire my life's work. with some positive push by the closest of friends i bring you this spot for sharing with you the world and my birdie-isms. this is a hope you are all well and wondrous...here we go....love, birdie busch

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ol' Mommy Nature: It don't visit da' wrong door

Traveling further along in the Groundhog Day realm. It is snowing out today, it has been snowing out many a days in this past week. A blizzard in fact. I looked online at the Accuweather page to see what was going to happen next and meandering to find this prediction I clicked on a video of a weatherman doing this wacky skit where he has a box with the phrase "ol' mommy nature" on it and he was kicking it and punching it off a desk in front of the blue screen. I guess he originally had wanted to be a comedian.

 I'm woodshedding and drinking an apple cider tonic. I have this book called "Staying Healthy with the Seasons" that I trashpicked last year. It's one of those California New-Agey books about yin and yang and what season means what. Like we are in the water season, did you know that? And throughout time there has always maintained about the same amount of water on the planet, just shifting in its various states of vapor and ice and what have you. Did you know that? And we are as humans our own "earth" because we have about the same percentage of water in our body make-up, which should make us feel a connection in a way to the grandness. This is what the book says.  This book is not an old blues song.

I stumbled upon a section all about karma in this book. Karma. I guess we all have images or ideas that come into our head when we say this word. For me, I see a Zappa-like looking man named Reverend Leroy Montana that used to come into the open mic I used to go to, singing his classic, "Karma Doesn't Visit the Wrong Door" to which he answers himself, "cause if it did, it wouldn't be karma". I always thought of karma as if doing something bad to someone, it's gonna come back around. I've messed up and made bad decisions and  I think that bad things are going to get me for it, sometime, somewhere. But catch this definition from the book, I really like it,

"Karma is a process of learning from this natural law of the universe. Each life crisis has a lesson, which if we learn, we will not need to experience again. Yet, if we deny the potential learning this experience represents, the same lesson will present itself again and again, often more intensely, until we learn it."

Which, I guess, this is what I was trying to flesh out when watching Groundhog Day and writing the post before this, and then this came along....

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